(604) 874-7612
(604) 874-7612
Janice dedicated her life to God by answering His calling in 2017; she then studied at Carey Theological College MDIV program for four years. Janice is passionate about Women’s Ministry and Spiritual Formation, as well as soul caring and walking alongside sisters in their spiritual journey. Four years training in theology, church management, conflict resolution, pastoral counseling, marriage counseling and spiritual direction has made Janice an equipped worker, who is ready to serve the body of Christ and expand God’s Kingdom with her brothers and sisters in Christ.
Janice is a person who loves worshipping and singing to praise God. She also practices spiritual disciplines in her devotional time and enjoys solitude where she encounters God each day. Janice and her husband Max are proud parents of their lovely daughter. They are a family of books lovers and passionate learners.